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Chiesa di San Francesco


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Ufficio informazioni di Cascia
Piazza Garibaldi 1
Tel.: 0743.71147 - Fax: 0743.76630


Getting there


The Nave - Church of St. Francis - Cascia
The Rose - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
The Virgin and Child in throne - Nicolò da Siena, 1460-Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
Church of St. Francesco - Historical photo - Cascia
The risen Christ appears to the Apostles - Perino Cesarei - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
The appearance of the Risen Christ to Mary Magdalene - Perino Cesarei - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
Portal - St. Francesco Church - Cascia
The Virgin Conception - Paolantonio Mattei, 1579 - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
The Virgin and Child with Saints Francis - St. Francesco Church - Cascia
The Virgin and Child seated on clouds, with Saint Carlo Borromeo and Blessed Peace - Carocci, 1658 - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
The Ascension of Jesus - Nicolò Circignani (The Pomarancio), 1596 - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
The Virgin and Child with St. Dominic and St. Nicholas of Tolentino - by Antonio Carocci Preci, 1658 - Church of St. Francesco - Cascia
Nicola da Siena (1460), Trono di grazia, Chiesa di San Francesco, Cascia
Pittore del XVII sec., Cristo in gloria e San Francesco adorante, Chiesa di San Francesco, Cascia

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